I brought my camera on the last day of my welding class and took a couple pictures to help remember everything. Overall, it was a great class. I learned how to use an acetylene torch and stick weld in different positions.

The stall me and my partner welded in.
Pictured above is where I spent most of the class laying down a variety of beads. When people tell you that basic welding involves a lot of bead practice, they’re being serious. We spent weeks perfecting the bead. Getting comfortable isn’t easy when you’re melting metal.

The welder.
The welder (at the time this picture was taken) is holding my glove/helmet combo. The helmet comes with a protective glass front that shields your eyes from the intense light while welding. I’m told it keeps the harmful UV rays at bay too.
The light is brighter than lit magnesium ribbon. This was disappointing for me to realize because it meant I was beaten: in chemistry, I used to look at the ribbon flashes when the teacher told us not to. I felt like I had awesome-eyes, and on top of that, I got to see really cool light (who wouldn’t want to have awesome-eyes?). The light from welding takes up all of the space in your eyes, and it feels bad for them.

Beads on the back of some iron
I only brought my camera on the last day, so I didn’t get many pictures of my actual welds. If you’re able to see the beads close enough and have the beans to criticize them, don’t. The teacher handed out our certificates at the beginning of the class and instead of practicing my vertical welding abilities, I practiced my name:

When you hand out the diploma at the beginning of the last class, expect your students to weld their names.
My only gripe about the class is about the direction. It’s geared for people looking to become welders, more than those looking to hobby weld. I don’t think it’s something they need to change, because our class was filled with people who wanted to become welders. Regardless, I feel much more confident about stick welding and anything leaning in that direction.
I am also extremely competent when it comes to welding my name.
Does that mean your not going for the fun filled 6G cert?